Demographic Replacement in Springfield, Ohio

10 September 2024

According to the latest census data (2020), the demographic composition of the city of Springfield, Ohio, is 69% White, 19% Black, 8% Mestizo, and 4% other. However, this demographic landscape has radically changed over the course of just the past few months, as the city of 58,000 people suddenly had to take in in 20,000 Haitian refugees. This influx means that the recently arrived Haitian immigrants now make up around 26% of the city’s total population. It is estimated that Springfield’s demographics now look as follows:

51% White

40% Black (26% Haitian immigrants, 14% African-American)

7% Mestizo

2% Other

The catastrophic impact of this process of rapid demographic replacement was highlighted by one of the city’s residents during the most recent Springfield City Commission Meeting. The woman, who has been living in the same home for 45 years, highlighted how the Haitians are now squatting on her property. Men who cannot speak English are living right in front of her house, throwing trash in her front yard, and screaming at her and her elderly husband. She says that they feel incredibly unsafe in their own home. Furthermore, she pointed out how all the city’s basic services are overwhelmed and understaffed, leading to further social decline. She concluded by noting that she and her husband are now planning to move out of Springfield.

The demographic replacement we are currently witnessing in Springfield, Ohio, is a literal fulfillment of the curses outlined for covenantal apostasy in Deuteronomy 28:43-44. The city’s population has been declining since 1960, dropping from 83,000 then to just 58,000 in 2023. Now, the lost population is being systematically replaced by foreigners. What is happening to the people of Springfield is a travesty, and the government facilitating this will certainly be held accountable for it. However, underlying the entire dynamic of systematic demographic replacement witnessed all over the Western world today is our apostasy from God and our refusal to repent and heed His commandments. The reality is that even with our best political plans, this trend will not be reversed without national repentance.