Leftists score major victories in two important European Elections

8 July 2024

The past week has proven to be a major disappointment at the ballot box for Nationalists in Europe. In the UK, Nigel Farage’s Reform UK party only managed to gather 14.3% of the total vote in the general election. The two major leftist parties, Labour and the Liberal Democrats together managed over 46% of the national vote and now hold an outright majority in terms of the seat allocation in the House of Commons. In France, Sunday’s election proved to be perhaps the biggest electoral disappointment for the right in quite some time, especially in light of the high hopes we had for this year. Despite building up strong momentum over the past two decades, the alliance of nationalist parties led by Marine Le Pen’s National Rally ended up only getting 37.1% of the national vote, which means that the Leftist New Popular Front (an alliance made up by the Socialist Party, the Ecologists and the French Communist Party) together with Ensemble (a liberal coalition under the leadership of Emmanuel Macron) will together hold an absolute majority in the French parliament, having amassed 50.3% of the vote.

Given the fact that the native European share of the population in both these countries has already dropped below 80%, their new governments’ liberal immigration policies will mean demographic devastation to both the British and French peoples. As sad as this reality is, we have to admit that these nations have had ample time and opportunity to repent and turn from their wicked ways, which they have failed to do time and again. In fact, to their own detriment they have now opted to try to address the serious economic and social challenges faced by the working classes in both countries for most of this century by once again turning to the Left. While the Pactum Institute urges all believers to continue praying for these formerly Christian nations, we have to face the fact that achieving any real change through the democratic process in the future now seems highly unlikely.