Property Expropriation without Compensation in South Africa

27 January 2025

On the 23rd of January Cyril Ramaphosa, the president of South Africa, ratified a law allowing the government to expropriate private property without compensation. Private property rights are absolutely foundational for socio-economic prosperity, and this state-sanctioned violation of these rights is nothing short of communism in practice.In a multiracial and multi-ethnic South Africa, the majority of black citizens have, even after 31 years of wielding all the political power, been unable to achieve the first-world living standards of white South Africans. In light of this the ANC’s expropriation law must be seen as an attempt by this Marxist political party to try and appease its aggrieved voter-base.

The Expropriation Law clearly shows that South Africa—a country that has never truly been anything more than an imperialist construct anyway—can no longer be considered the home of the Afrikaner-Boer people and that the only hope of survival in Southern Africa is ethnic self-determination in an independent Boer Republic. This law furthermore highlights the need for the Afrikaner-Boer people, as an ethnic minority, to demographically concentrate in a geographic area that can be truly identified as theirs. The Boer people’s problem is not numbers. The Boers are a larger nation than the Albanians, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Slovenians, and Macedonians—all European peoples with their own nation-states. The Boer’s problem is that they are not demographically concentrated but rather scattered throughout the empire that is South Africa.

The Pactum Institute supports the break-up of the imperialist construct that is South Africa and the establishment of a new Boer Republic. We also call upon the new Trump administration to support the existing secessionist movements in Southern Africa, especially Orania, and commit to recognizing Boer independence once it has, by God’s grace, been achieved.