Pastor Michael Hunter proclaims Biblical Truth to an apostate Winston-Salem City Council

21 August 2024

The past summer marked the eleventh time that the city council of Winston-Salem, North Carolina declared June as “Pride Month.” The pride banner was displayed on the front lawn of city hall and on Saturday, June 22, the city also hosted another “Winston-Salem Pride” parade in which thousands of degenerates gathered in downtown to celebrate sodomy.

Earlier this week, Michael Hunter, the pastor at Covenant of Grace Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Winston-Salem used the public comment period during the regular meeting of the City Council to call the members of the council to repentance in light of their failure to "rule under the Lordship of Christ and in accordance with his Word.” Hunter called upon the council to "submit to Christ," to “repent and to rule according to his Word” in order to escape the righteous judgment of God.

Importantly, Hunter noted that the fact that the council is already familiar with the Biblical condemnation of sodomy and related sexual sins means that it is unlikely that his witness would change their hearts. Nonetheless, he maintained that he is called to proclaim the need for obedience to God’s Word to civil magistrates in the same way John the Baptist did to Herod.

This is not the first time Pastor Hunter has unapologetically stood up for the uncomfortable truths of God’s Word, and we commend him for his courage. The Pactum Institute and our members are encouraged by Reverend Hunter's consistent, unashamed public witness for the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Follow Pastor Hunter on X here.