
Dr Adi Schlebusch briefly discusses subsidiarity, self-determination and how local institutions like churches can take over the role of government. 

The Free Speech Impediment, episode III | The Pactum Institute (gab.com)

 The Free Speech Impediment, episode III - YouTube 

The Free Speech Impediment, episode III (rumble.com) 


Dr Schlebusch discusses the energy crisis, as well the need for energy independence. He also provides a few tips for navigating electricity blackouts. 

The Free Speech Impediment, episode I | The Pactum Institute (gab.com) 

The Free Speech Impediment, episode I (rumble.com) 

The Free Speech Impediment, episode I - YouTube 


A thematic and atmospheric quote video featuring a quote about revolution versus reformation by the Dutch political theorist, Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer.

Revolution versus Reformation | The Pactum Institute (gab.com) 

Revolution versus Reformation (rumble.com)

Revolution versus Reformation - YouTube