An Academic Research Institute dedicated to the scholarly advancement of Biblical Christianity

About image
  • The Pactum Institute is an independent academic research institute dedicated to the scholarly advancement of traditional Biblical Christianity, especially in the fields of Theology and the Humanities.
‘Pactum’ is the Latin word for covenant, the basis of all human life and society as creation of God.

The executive director of the Pactum Institute is dr. Adi Schlebusch (PhD, University of Groningen, 2018).


The Institute seeks to fill the lamentable gap left in contemporary scholarship by the systematic intolerance and bias against historic and Biblical Christianity in academia, by promoting the following through its research:

1. The Authority of Scripture and in particular the confessional or high approach to Bibliology.
2. Covenantal or Federal Theology as the foundational and organizing principle for a Christian society.
3. Christ’s Lordship over all of creation and especially over every aspect and every sphere of the Christian life.
4. God’s Law as the absolute moral standard for all spheres of society.
5. Christian Familialism and Ethnic Complementarianism as representing the organic and divinely ordained social order for mankind.
6. Providing sustainable, practical solutions for small community and clan living within the context of contemporary society based on the principle of Subsidiarity.

By virtue of a covenantal or federal theological framework, the Pactum Institute strives to contest the contemporary dominance of Cultural Marxism in Western academia by advocating the historic and biblical Christian doctrines of Scripture, the Covenant, Divine Law and Familialism. The Christian worldview will thereby be presented to the broader public as the only true alternative to the ruin and decadence caused by apostasy from historic Christianity and the extensive yet destructive impact of Cultural Marxism on Western civilization.
Research will also focus on providing sustainable, practical solutions for small and traditionalist community and clan living as an alternative to a globalized and modernist social order. In this regard the focus would be on both the theoretical foundations as well as the practical implementation of alternative socio-economic and socio-political strategies for establishing and sustainable small, covenantal communities based around the family, both nuclear and extended.

Additionally, the Institute will continually engage in contemporary discussions in theology, politics and philosophy by publishing timely press releases regarding current events and developments on behalf of the Institute and its members.


Publishing two books annually dedicated to advancing the mission of the Institute. Additionally publishing academic articles, blog posts and press statements to this same end.

Scholarly articles would be fruitful in terms of helping and encouraging young Christians in colleges and other academic settings where they are being exposed to anti-Christian worldviews, especially since the academic community are compelled to recognize peer-reviewed publications as authoritative. Books will be aimed at being useful for personal edification, home-schooling purposes as well as for the cultivation of small covenantal community living.

Through publishing scholarly articles and books aimed at advancing the historic Christian worldview, the false leftist and Marxist dogma in the fields of theology, philosophy, history, sociology, politics and anthropology will be dismantled.

Dr. Adi Schlebusch: Director and Senior Researcher

Born and raised in South Africa, dr. Schlebusch completed two Bachelor's degrees (Theology and Latin), graduating both cum laude from the University of the Free State. He completed his Masters degree (Philosophy) from the same institution and thereafter his PhD (Theology) from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands - one of the world's top 100 universities. He is the author of several peer-reviewed papers, publishing regularly in leading journals since graduating with his PhD in 2018.

He is a member of the board of directors of both the Movement for Christian Nationalist Education as well as the Afrikaans Protestant Academy.

Rev. Michael HunterResearch Fellow

Rev. Hunter is the associate pastor at Covenant of Grace ARP Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The congregation forms part of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. Michael holds a Bachelor's degree in Greek from Wake Forest University in North Carolina, a Master's Degree in Greek and Latin from Oxford University in England, and an MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania, where he is also currently enrolled for a PhD in New Testament Theology.

He has served as a translator or assistant editor on several projects, including Reformation Worship (2018), Disease, Scarcity, and Famine: A Reformation Perspective on God and Plagues (2021), volume 3 of Petrus Van Mastricht’s Theoretical-Practical Theology (2021), and The Book of Ruth Explained in Twenty-Eight Homilies (2022).

Rev. Bret L. McAtee: Research Fellow

Rev. McAtee is the pastor of an independent Reformed Church in Michigan. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree focused on Political Science, History and Religion from Indiana Wesleyan University as well as a Master of Divinity from Columbia Biblical Seminary at Columbia International University. He regularly uploads quality theological and philosophical reflections on his personal blog known as Iron Ink.

Michael SpanglerResearch Fellow

Michael Spangler is a Christian who lives in North Carolina. He holds a B.A. and M.Div.

Professor Mark R. KreitzerResearch Fellow

Professor Kreitzer grew up in California, and holds a BA, MDiv, and Doctor of Missiology and a PhD in Theology of Mission/Intercultural Studies. The focus of his doctoral dissertations were: 1) The shift from apartheid social theology to World Council of Churches social theology in the South African Dutch Reformed Church (NGK) and its impact on missions and culture transformation in the Southern African context, and 2) Developing a biblical and covenantal theology of ethnicity and missions in light of all of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. He has also published several scholarly papers.

Between 1989 and 1992 he worked as director of communications for the Centre for Reformed and Contemporary Studies (CERCOS) in Pretoria, South Africa under the late Dr. Christiaan L. Jordaan. The Centre's aims at the time were very similar to Pactum's. From 2009 to 2015 he worked as director of the English-language Masters of Divinity program (English Track) at Kosin University in Busan, South Korea. Between 2015 and 2022 he was an Associate Professor at Grand Canyon University's School of Theology in Arizona. He has also taught theological courses at various other colleges and seminaries, including Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi, Montreat College in North Carolina, as well as at Grace Theological College in Auckland, New Zealand, the Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine (ERSU), and Dumisani Theological College in King Williams Town. His fields of expertise are Missiology and Systematic Theology, the field in which he is seeking to do his third doctorate.

Francois van Deventer: Research Associate

Francois Van Deventer is a Computer Scientist and Business Ethicist from South Africa. He has organized and hosted a number of Biblical Worldview seminars since the 1990s. He holds a Masters' degree in Business Ethics from the University of Stellenbosch (cum laude) and a Advanced Diploma in Project Management from Akademia. He has been instrumental in scanning and transcribing a number of dr. Francis Nigel Lee's works, including Communist Escatology, From Adam to the Afrikaner, his Commentary on Revelation and Christocracy. He has also published (in co-operation with the VCHO) a DVD of professor H.G. Stoker's Collected Works.

Pieter van Deventer: Research Associate

Pieter van Deventer (B.Div) is a theological student at the Afrikaans Protestant Academy. As a young man he initially started writing contributions on the Christian life and Christian ethics for Today, he is mainly preoccupied with writing for his professors at the APA, but also regularly contributes articles to the Afrikaans-language theological publication Die Boodskapper ("The Messenger"), as well as the website He is a regular contributor to the Afrikaans-language website, which is run by the Pactum Institute in association with one of our partners, the Union for Christian Higher Education. He regularly preaches in Reformed churches and produces video content for his Youtube channel dedicated to apologetics. He loves classical Reformed theology and engaging in lenghty theological discussions. On the odd day off, he does also enjoy reading fiction, however.

In all things he desires, like Kuyper, to live under a banner which reads Pro Rege: For the King.

Jacob Tyler: Technical Advisor/Marketing Consultant

Jacob is the son of Rick Tyler, a pastor and political dissident of over 30 years— and is the 3rd oldest of 20 siblings. He is a freelance graphic designer and marketing consultant by trade, who has also dabbled in journalistic work. He has written for the Maryland based Populist newspaper, American Free Press, (most notably doing man-on-the-ground reporting of "The Battle" of Charlottesville) been a co-host on the live AM radio show, Blood River Radio, and is also the head of U.S. Sales for Arktos. While in possession of many Reformed Christian affinities, he identifies most readily as a pre-denominational Bible-believing Christian. Jacob currently resides in Brazil with his beloved wife and 5 year old son.

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Who We Are image
Membership image
The Pactum Institute is completely funded by its members, thereby remaining fully independent from any university or government. We have two membership options.

The Standard Membership fee is $300 per annum (or $25 per month), and includes the following benefits:

- The right to see and make suggestions regarding all the Institute's press releases prior to official release.
- Free copies of at least two books published by the Institute annually, including shipping costs covered by the Institute.
- Quarterly updates on the Institute’s work and its progress.

The Premium Membership fee is $600 per annum (or $50 per month), and includes all the benefits of the standard membership package, plus:

- Two extra copies of the books published by the Institute.
- A Pactum Institute Blazer, with shipping costs covered by the Institute.

All Members 
will also be invited to join The Pactum Club—an exclusive online discussion group with exclusive content.

For more information about memberships and payment methods, please contact the Institute at

If you want to contribute to our work as a non-member, also consider subscribing to our Subscribestar page for $5  a month.
Other Blogs image
As an Academic Research Institute, the Pactum Institute is primarily focused on research publications. However, as public scholars our researchers also regularly contribute to relevant discussions on theology and the humanities by means of blog posts on other sites in addition to our own. Herewith a list of resources where the contributions of our researchers can be accessed:

Articles by dr. Schlebusch at ChristRules

Articles by dr. Schlebusch at KnowingScripture

Articles by dr. Schlebusch at The Reformed Conservative

Articles by Rev. Hunter at The Reformed Conservative

Articles by Rev. McAtee at Iron Ink

Articles by Michael Spangler at The Daily Genevan


"VanDrunen doesn't have anybody to stand in the way of the tomatoes that are coming and I'm throwing the tomatoes." - Pastor Bret McAtee discusses R2K Theology with John Leonetti

Radical Two Kingdom Theology (

Merchandise Store imageMerchandise Store imageMerchandise Store image
The Pactum Institute Merchandise store features everything from apparel and homeware to accessories and drinkware.

Check out our Teespring store for the most outstanding Pactum merch for the Militant Church!
Research Assistance image
Research Assistance Project

In School, in College or at Work, Christians are currently being bombarded with a Leftist worldview. The normative framework for research in contemporary society, regardless of the field, is unfortunately informed by anti-Christian theoretical viewpoints. In fact, there currently exists a prevalent bias against any scholarship from a distinctly Christian framework throughout the Western world.

This is where the Pactum Institute’s research assistance project comes in. If you or a family member are doing a research project for school, for university, for work or even for private purposes, we are here to help provide you with assistance in terms of the resources you need to counter Leftist views through rigorous scholarship. Our experienced scholars will provide you with the relevant information, sources, literature, as well as proofreading and editing services to ensure not only the academic integrity of your project (relevant to its desired level), but also that your project reflects a thoroughly Christian worldview. We also assist parents and/or communities with structuring their homeschool curricula.

By helping you, the Pactum Institute seeks to fulfil its mandate of constructively contributing to Christian scholarship all over the globe.

This service is provided at a standard fee of $8 per hour. For more information or to make use of this service, please contact us at
Partners image
Charlotte Christ the King Reformed Church

Christ the King Reformed Church in Charlotte, Michigan is an epistemically self-conscious confessional Reformed Church in accordance with the doctrines taught by Scripture as God's infallible Word. The congregation emphasizes covenantal living as defining the Christian life, the education of covenantal children and delighting in God's Law.

The congregation strives to be a local embodiment of the people of God, gathered for the praise of God, together learning the purpose of God.

Association for Christian Higher Education

The Association for Christian Higher Education strives to promote Christian education, teaching and scholarship, encouraging nations, institutions and families to live and work in all spheres of life to the glory of God.

Pocket College

Pocket College is an online educational platform designed for students who desire an excellent Christian education in the humanities. It is based on the lectures, lessons, and books of R.J. Rushdoony, wherein he provides students with the right foundation for the next stage of Christian Civilization.

By means of its thousands of online lectures and courses, Pocket College provides Christians with access to an unparalleled Christian education on a user-friendly platform. Through the courses and lessons available on its website, Christians are intellectually equipped to strategically and effectively advance God's Kingdom, even in the midst of all trials and tribulations of contemporary society.

It really is a college in your pocket!

Christ Rules (Home of Van Til University)

Christ Rules is the parent institution of Pocket College which features the work of Van Til’s disciple, R. J. Rushdoony, who worked out the implications of Van Til’s thought to a great extent. Christ Rules promotes scholarship based on a commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ over every area of life.

Dominion Reformed Fellowship

Dominion Reformed Fellowship is a small congregation in Minerva, Ohio that seeks to be faithful to the Word of God through Christ and rejects the ways of the modern churches, who are presently embracing the principles of Cultural Marxism. The church strives to bring our local communities under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and to equip the soldiers of Christ to occupy until His return.

Tribal Theocrat

In response to the the profound and utter decline of West, Tribal Theocrat advocates the robust application of the Christian worldview devoid of all egalitarian and statist syncretism. Authors at Tribal Theocrat address taboo topics and other themes entirely neglected by church and state leaders, attempting to resuce our comrades from the group mind. 

Dr Adi Schlebusch (Executive Director of the Pactum Institute)

Afrikaans imageAfrikaans image

Die Pactum Instituut is 'n onafhanklike akademiese navorsingsinstituut wat ten doel het om die tradisionele Bybelse Christelike wêreldbeskouing te bevorder—veral op die terrein van die Teologie en Geesteswetenskappe.

"Pactum" is Latyn vir verbond—dit wat die Godgegewe grondslag vorm van die menslike samelewing.

Die Instituut wil die jammerlike gaping in die hedendaagse akademie—veroorsaak deur die sistematiese onverdraagsaamheid en vooroordeel teen die historiese en Bybelse Christendom—vul deur die volgende te bevorder deur middel van ons navorsing:

  1. Die gesag van die Skrif en veral die Konfessionele benadering tot Bibliologie.  
  2. Verbonds- of Federale Teologie as grondslag vir 'n Christelike samelewing.    
  3. Christus se Koningskap en Heerskappy oor die hele skepping en veral elke aspek van die menslike lewe.
  4. God se Wet as absolute morele rigsnoer vir elke sfeer van die samelewing.    
  5. Christelike Familialisme en Etniese Komplementarisme soos dit vergestald in die organiese en Godgegewe of normatiewe sosiale orde.  
  6. Die ontwikkeling van volhoubare, praktiese oplossings vir klein gemeenskappe binne die konteks van die kontemporêre samelewing gebaseer op die beginsel van subsidiariteit (of desentralisasie).

As uitvloeisel van verbonds- of federale teologie, volg dit dat die Pactum Instituut die kontemporêre oorheersing van die Kultuurmarxisme in die Westerse akademie die stryd aansê. Ons doen dit deur die bevordering van historiese Christelike leerstellings aangaande die Skrif, Gods Wet en Familialisme.

Die Christelike wêreldbeskouing word dan daardeur aan die breër publiek voorgehou as die enigste werklike alternatief tot die verrotting en verdorwenheid wat noodwendig volg op afvalligheid van die Christendom en die vernietigende gevolge van die Kultuurmarxisme vir die Westerse samelewing.

Navorsing fokus onder andere daarop om praktiese oplossings te ontwikkel vir tradisionele gemeenskappe en volke as 'n alternatief tot die globalistiese en modernistiese sosiale orde. Dit behels beide die teoretiese onderbou sowel as die praktiese implementering van die nodige sosio-ekonomiese en sosio-politieke strategieë om volhoubare verbondsgemeenskappe, gebaseer in die gesin en familie, te help bevorder.

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Hrvatski imageHrvatski image
Institut „Pactum” je neovisni akademsko-istraživački institut posvećen znanstvenom promicanju tradicionalnog biblijskog kršćanstva, poglavito na poljima teologije i humanističkih znanosti.
Pactum je latinska riječ za savez ili zavjet -- temelj cjelokupnog ljudskog života i društva kao Božjeg stvorenja.

Izvršni direktor Instituta „Pactum” je dr. Adi Schlebusch (PhD, Sveučilište u Groningenu, 2018.).


Institut želi popuniti žalobnu prazninu koju su u suvremenoj znanosti ostavile sustavna netrpeljivost i pristranost protiv povijesnog i biblijskog kršćanstva u akademskom svijetu promičući slijedeće kroz svoje istraživanje:

  1. Autoritet Svetog Pisma, a posebno konfesionalni ili visoki pristup bibliologiji.
  2. Teologiju saveza ili federalnu (kovenantalističku) teologiju kao temeljno organizacijsko načelo kršćanskog društva.
  3. Kristovo gospodstvo nad cijelim stvorenjem, a poglavito nad svakim vidom i svakom sferom kršćanskog života.
  4. Božji Zakon kao apsolutni moralni standard za sve sfere društva.
  5. Kršćanski familijalizam i etnički komplementarijanizam kao predstavnike organskog i božanski određenog društvenog poretka za čovječanstvo.
  6. Pružanje održivih, praktičnih rješenja za život malih zajednica i rodova u kontekstu suvremenog društva temeljenih na načelu supsidijarnosti.
Institut „Pactum” kroz okvir zadan teologijom saveza pokušava osporiti suvremenu dominaciju kulturnog marksizma u akademskoj zajednici Zapada zalažući se za povijesni i biblijski kršćanski nauk o Pismu, Savezu, Božjem Zakonu i familijalizmu. Kršćanski će se svjetonazor time široj javnosti prikazati kao jedina istinska alternativa propasti i dekadenciji uzrokovanoj otpadom od povijesnog kršćanstva opsežnom, ali razornom utjecaju kulturnog marksizma na zapadnu civilizaciju.

Istraživanje će se također usredotočiti na pružanje održivih, praktičnih rješenja za život malih tradicionalističkih zajednica i rodbina kao alternativu globaliziranom modernističkom društvenom poretku. U tom će pogledu fokus biti i na teorijskim temeljima i na praktičnoj provedbi alternativnih društveno-ekonomskih i društveno-političkih strategija za zasnivanje održivih malih zajednica utemeljenih na obitelji – i nuklearnoj i široj.

Također, Institut će kontinuirano sudjelovati u suvremenim diskusijama o teologiji, politici i filozofiji objavljujući prigodna priopćenja za javnost o tekućim događajima u ime Instituta i njegovih članova.


Objavljivanje najmanje dvaju (recenziranih) znanstvenih članaka, jedne knjige te jednog engleskog prijevoda knjige godišnje posvećenog promicanju misije Instituta.

Znanstveni bi radovi trebali biti plodonosna pomoć i ohrabrenje mladim kršćanima na fakultetima i drugim akademskim institucijama koji su izloženi antikršćanskim svjetonazorima, pogotovo stoga što je akademska zajednica primorana priznati recenzirane publikacije kao autoritativne. Cilj knjiga je korist na osobnu izgradnju, u svrhe kućnog obrazovanja, kao i kultivacije života u malim saveznim zajednicama.

Objavljivanjem znanstvenih radova i knjiga s ciljem promicanja povijesnog kršćanskog svjetonazora lažna ljevičarsko-marksistička dogma na poljima teologije, filozofije, povijesti, sociologije, politike i antropologije bit će demontirana.

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Dansk image
Pactum Institute er et selvstændig akademisk forskningsinstitut, dedikeret til at fremme traditionel bibelsk kristendom. Særligt indenfor teologi og humaniora. ’Pactum’ er det latinske ord for pagt – Guds skabelsesgrundlag for al menneskelig tilværelse og samfund.

Den administrerende direktør for Pactum Institute er Adi Schlebusch (Phd, University of Groningen, 2018).


Institutet søger at fylde det beklagelige tomrum i samtidens forskning, skabt af systematisk intolerance og partiskhed mod historisk og bibelsk kristendom i den akademiske verden. Institutet søger, gennem forskning, at promovere følgende:

  • 1. Den bibelske skrifts autoritet, og særligt den bekendelsesmæssige tilgang til bibliologi.
  • 2. Pagtsteologi som det grundlæggende og organiserende princip for et kristent samfund.
  • 3. Kristi heredømme over hele skabelsen, og især over alle områder og sfære at det kristne liv.
  • 4. Guds lov som den absolute moralske standard i alle samfundsområder.
  • 5. Kristen familisme og etnisk komplementarisme som den organiske og gudsbestemte sociale orden for menneskeheden.
  • 6. Ved at tilbyde vedvarende, pratiske løsninger for småfællesskaber og klanliv i nutidens verden – baseret på subsidiaritetsprincipet.

I kraft af den pagtsmæssige teologiske ramme, søger Pactum Institute at modvirke nutidens dominerende kulturelle marxisme i den vestlige akademiske verden. Ved i stedet at advokere for den historiske og bibelske lære – pagten, guddommelig lov og familisme. Det kristne verdensbillede vil derved blive præsenteret, til den bredere offentlighed, som det eneste sande alternativ til det moralske forfald forudsaget af frafaldet fra historisk kristendom, og den vidtrækkende og ødelæggende indflydelse den kulturelle marxisme har haft på den vestlige civilization. Forskningen vil også fokusere på at bidrage med bæredygtig, praktisk vejledning til små traditionelle fællesskaber, som et alternativ til den moderne og globalistiske sociale orden. I dette henseende vil fokuset være på både det teoretiske fundament, samt den praktiske implementering af alternative socioøkonomiske og sociopolitiske strategier for etableringen af små bæredygtige pagtsfællesskaber, baseret omkring familie – både kernefamilien og den udvidede.

Derudover, vil instituttet løbende engagere sig i nutidens teologiske, politiske og filosofiske diskussioner. Ved at udgive tidssvarende pressemeddelelser om nuværrende begivenheder og udviklinger – på vejene af intitutet og dets medlemmer.

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